專業資格︰ |
香港及紐西蘭註冊物理治療師 Registered Physiotherapist (Hong Kong, New Zealand),香港理工大學物理治療學碩士 MSc in Physiotherapy(Hong Kong Polytechnic University),香港理工大學物理治療學學士 BSc in Physiotherapy (Hong Kong Polytechnic University),香港浸會大學物理治療師針灸專業進修文憑 Professional Development Diploma in Acupuncture for Physiotherapists (Hong Kong Baptist University),澳洲西澳大學骨科手法冶療證書 Certificate in Orthopaedic Manual therapy (The University of Western Australia),McKenzie 脊椎診斷及治療證書 Certificate in McKenzie Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (McKenzie Institute International),BET 普拉堤斯運動証書 Certificate in Pilates Biokinetik Exercise Technique (Biokinetik Consultancy International),亞洲運動及體適能專業學院 運動球導師 Fitball Instructor (AASFP) |